

This branch of TCM Health is where we take on students of all kinds and facilitate workshops on the variety of awakenings that are available.  You could be searching for a better medtation experience or just to breakaway from your perfectionistic parts of personality.  Spiritual awakening can happen with regular meditation.  I have witnessed soulful and spiritual awakenings at beginner drum circles, sound therapy events and sound circles , native ceremonies, after an acupuncture session, after retreats, after resolving past perceived traumas (Twelve-Phase Healing Program).  The following subtitles will give you an idea of the types of workshops we would love to introduce you to.


Medtitation Beginners Only!

Find the method that works for you.  Have a private consult before or after the workshop date.  Ask your questions on how to keep EGO out of it!  Mindfulness is only the watching of the breath, not deeper inhales or exaggerated exhales, but breathe and your body will have sensations, watch sensations, watch chest, limbs, tenseness, feel face, feel toes, feel low back –THIS IS MINDFUL.


Reiki Energy and Integrated Energy Therapy SUMMARY

This is a two and a half hour workshop.  You are guaranteed a time slot alone with Denise to receive Reiki and the manual/handout for the comparison and summary of both methods.  This is an education, as well, if you are trying to decide where to take your Level 1 of any Theory.  This Summary is usually held 630-9 pm at TCM East location.


Sound and the Brain and Disease

Denise has been studying (24 mths) the key to play music in for various chakras and organs of the body.  As you know, you could have needleless acupoint therapy from Denise USING tuning forks on both points and on chakra regions.  Brain entrainment theories and different keys being used are Awaking low electrical areas of the brain, and provide 20 min stimulation.

We will have some brain entrainment music to meditate to, included handouts and lots of discussion on how to use the music and  energy and organs for Specific ailments.

This is held 630-830 pm at TCM East location.


Somatic Therapy

Have you ever heard a therapist say, we have everything inside ourselves to heal ourselves.  I meditate with this line frequently.  What if Unresolved trauma were to be discharged and resolved , thus ending the story differently.  Lasting effects of disorders and PTSD and accidents and surgeries , need not be .

In a safe workshop environment, we will discuss the Twelve-Phase Healing Trauma Program.  See which items in your personality you would like to let go of, in the exercises.  Or come for the discussion of “having everything we need inside ourselves to heal trauma”.  Definition of trauma – anything that is perceived as trauma /overwhelming for any length of time, never judge it, it is, if you remain altered….