Taking the science of chinese medicine and all that it benefits the energy system, body and mind, we treat the person and the source of the disorder to ensure an increased level of
energy and a better functioning immune system. We suggest foods or supplements that can assist with the healing process. At any time we can utliize laser therapy, TCM acupressure, cupping, moxibustion or biomagnets to affect the energy system instead of disposable needles. This is frequently asked for in the cases of anti-aging and cosmetic acupuncture.
- Acute and chronic disorders
- Muscular and skeletal car accident injuries
- Athletic and work injuries
- Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome
- Head-aches, migraines, insomnia
- Smoking and addictions
- Metabolism / weight loss
- Tempomandibular joint disorder
- Tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscular tension, vertebral degeneration
1. at St Jude’s Church
Fanshawe Park Rd and Adelaide St. LONDON
(only AVAILABLE by request)
2. and at 5-1815 Dundas St.E. LONDON
(last store in the Para Paints plaza)
3. and in Zurich, at Bluewater Rest Home, Community
Meeting Rooms, back Entrance, TUESDAYS.