Herbal Teas as Medicine

Are herbal teas OK for Children?

YES if no caffeine

YES if not black Russian types, or English breakfast, or English orange pekoes

YES if  a red tea, rosehips, lemon balm, hibiscus, ginger, lemongrass, mint, honeybush, rooibos, tulsi- comes in 18 flavours, peppermint, hot lemonade , ginger honey tonic-warm, raspberry leaf tea,

 Pasteurized or Unpasteurized Honey or Stevia to Sweeten

 For Focus and Hyperactivity

 AIM to eliminate artificial chemicals preservatives and sweeteners

AIM to eliminate sugar, fruit juice, deep fried foods and flours

AIM to increase EFAs and quality fish, hempseed oil, flax oil

AIM to put a probiotic in their daily intake, yoghurt, kefir, acidophilus and cultured foods like pickles and sauerkraut

IF you wish to maximize the effect of EFA s then add holy basil oil or tea and lemon balm oil or tea and POSITIVE results are noticed within days by teachers



 We do suggest PHARMANEX JUNGAMALS FOR A DAILY CHEWABLE child’s vitamin, as well as NEWCHAPTER tiny tabs as both have trace elements and minerals and vitamins that are rarely found in deplete soils.

CONUNDRUM?   What gets to the bloodstream fastest?

 IF digestion and colon are working properly (not in adhd, ibs, depression or stomach disorders), then teas and tinctures (herb extract as liquid) have a quick effect on the bloodstream.

 Vitamins are dependent on whether they are organic or easily digestible or are eaten in synergy with the correct foods.


Name Part Used Health
Additional Information
Cardamon Fruit Relieves flatulence, harmonizes digestion and eases nausea. Useful for combating colds & chills.  
Celery Seed A cleansing herb, offering a good source of minerals. Beneficial for the kidneys and frequently used for joint disorders. Avoid in pregnancy.
Chamomile Flowers The ‘mother of the gut’. Use for digestive weakness. Also very helpful to alleviate tension. A pleasant herb for children, to relive colic and promote rest. Add an infusion to your bath. Use as a final rinse for your hair.
Cinnamon Quills A herb to aid the circulation, promote good digestion and to help combat infection. Avoid in pregnancy.
Dandelion Root/Leaf A herb frequently used to reduce water retention (oedema). High in minerals which are frequently depleted by synthetic diuretics. Seek help from your herbalist if you suffer from water retention.
Elderflower Flower A lovely tasting tea, generally useful to relieve cold symptoms, including catarrh and sinus problems. Can be used to make a lovely wine and/or cordial.
Fennel Seed A digestive agent to help relieve griping and indigestion, to encourage milk supply when breastfeeding. A useful herb to relieve colic in children.
Lemon Balm Herb A refreshing gentle herb to relive anxiety. Promotes digestion and induce rest. Lemon Balm also has anti-viral activity.
Lemon Verbena Herb Similar activities to Lemon Balm, but with a slightly different flavour.  
Limeflower Flower Another anti-stress herb for soothing the nervous system. Used by herbalists for some individuals with high blood pressure and circulatory disorders. Consult your herbalist if you suffer from a circulatory disorder.
Marigold Flower A cleansing and detoxifying herb with anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibiotic activity. Marigold exhibits these properties internally and externally. Use as a wash, compress, foot and hip bath.
Nettle Herb A detoxifier used as a spring tonic, for allergies and joint disorders. Use nettle in soups with other vegetables. A good hair tonic, (use in the final rinse).
Peppermint Herb A herb for the digestive system. Harmonies well with elderflower for colds and catarrh. Try for headaches. A max of 4 cups per day is recommended. Do not use for children under 4. Pleasant foot bath.
Rosemary Herb A herb to encourage digestive functions. Traditionally used to increase circulation to the head, to relieve pain and improve concentration. A max of 3 cups per day. Don’t use if you suffer from high blood pressure.
Sage Herb Excellent as a gargle to relieve sore throats and enhance immunity. Sage may also reduce milk flow during lactation-so avoid during breastfeeding. Do not feed if you are breastfeeding or pregnant
Thyme Herb A useful herb for ear. Nose, throat and chest infections Useful to combat coughs and colds in children.